Best Robotic Vacuums to Invest in 2022

Vacuuming is a tiresome and time-consuming activity, but no one likes to have dirt and dust in their home. With minimal effort, robot vacuums can do the work on your behalf and take away all the sweat, sore backs, and lugging.

Robot vacuums rely on different technologies such as cameras or lasers to maneuver through your entire home without crashing into furniture and clean even the hard-to-reach areas. Some can even empty the dirt compartment as you sit on the couch watching television or working.

With various options available in the market, you may be unsure which robot vacuum to choose over the other. Here are more details of the devices we tested to help you understand how these powerful options differ.

Robotic Vacuum

Content: Best Robotic Vacuums to Invest in 2022

Punkt 1

1. Deebot X1 Plus

The Ecovacs Deebot X1 Plus is one of the most advanced devices that can automatically do all the cleaning in your home. This device has a 3D mapping and navigation with dToF sensors and laser-based LiDar technology to scan your entire house environment. After scanning your home, the device creates a fast and efficient cleaning path. The device vacuums your house based on the map without missing any spot. You also have a built-in voice assistant to give verbal commands as you carry on with other activities.

Deebot X1 Plus has multiple cleaning modes, including strong mopping, sweeping, strong suction, and rolling that suits different home environments. If the battery goes below 15%, the Ecovacs vacuum automatically returns to the charging spot for a recharge. After cleaning, the auto-empty station technology empties the dustbin automatically. The only downside is the tall top disc which makes it challenging to reach low-hanging areas.

Punkt 2

2. iRobot Roomba j7+

iRobot Roomba j7+ is effective, attractive, and easy to use. This device has a navigation sensor at the front, enabling it to avoid everyday objects while cleaning, such as socks, electrical cables, and pet poop. It also has a feature called genius, so you can teach the device your preferred cleaning schedules and control it remotely.

The iRobot Roomba j7+ has a compact cleaning base that can hold about 60 days of debris. Also, the powerful cleaning suctions can efficiently deal with large debris like kitty litter. The device empties automatically into the dust bag after every cleaning job. The only issue is the front cameras that can threaten your privacy and data security.

Punkt 3

3. Samsung Jetbot+

The Samsung Jetbot+ cleans your home efficiently thanks to the Lidar sensors that create precise navigation in all the rooms. Once the robot creates the map of your house, you can still edit it to have distinct areas you want the device to clean based on your preference and the no-go zones. You can also control the mapping via your mobile device remotely. The SmarThings app allows you to see the cleaning movement of your home on a map and instruct the Jet Bot to stop or pause.

Also, the Samsung Jetbot+ can identify the surface in different environments and adjust the suction power to thoroughly clean carpets and hard floors. The Jet Bot has precise cleaning, intelligent power control, and HEPA filters for the rugs and carpets. It can easily maneuver around obstacles such as cords and shoes using its sensor paired with AI. However, its large size makes it difficult to reach under low-lying furniture.

Punkt 4

4. Eufy 11S

If you want a robot vacuum that relies on simple technology to keep your floors clean, the Eufy 11S is a great choice. This robot vacuum has a slim profile allowing it to clean all the dust underneath the furniture in your home. It's easy to set up, and you can choose three cleaning modes depending on specific situations, including Spot, Auto, or Edge.

The BoostIQ technology enables the Eufy 11S to adjust the suction power automatically on different floor types. You'll also love the Robovac's low noise level, making it an ideal choice for those working from home. However, this device may struggle while cleaning dark-colored flooring and large spaces.

Autor: Gastartikel

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